Friday, August 24, 2012

Church today has become deaf and unclear on how to effectively build people by teaching them who God is and His purpose. For years the focus has been toward building modern day towers of Babel, where the people are divided, speaking different doctrines instead of being taught who God is by narrowing the focus to Him alone. When people are taught more about the functions of the church and that of the pastors, failure comes in from one’s lack of accessing extensive exegesis on the Founder of the church and Employer of ministers. What is wrong with this picture? Too long mega has been a goal in ministry where thousands gather for service yet after extensive periods of membership remain stagnant and lack wisdom to walk in dominion. People attend million dollar facilities but yet are undergoing foreclosure and experiencing unemployment because they have yet to discover the Gift on the inside of themselves that will make room on their outside. That Gift is the Holy Spirit. It is He who reveals the secrets to prosper that once applied, it will make room. Be it a secret to prosperity, health, or wholeness, He reveals the secrets to obtaining through the conduit of prayer and fasting. Something is terribly wrong if the concrete temple is in a better condition than the people who built and maintain it. Where is this road leading? Focusing on the vantage point within modern preaching, even the Spirit filled believers are taught as if they are always under hardship of some sort; distorting the Greatness of God's image within them. Greater is He within us than he that's in the world (1John 4:4)! Furthermore, what about the victorious church (people); and why are they overlooked in services outside of their abilities to make significant financial contributions? In the words of the late Marvin Gaye, "What's going on?" It's time to wake up, ye who believe! Ministry is purposed to meet needs not create them; to give water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, and more importantly empower people to be creators as their Father is in heaven. Do you KNOW the God you serve? Or have you been indoctrinated into the religious traditions that nullify the Word of God in your life? More than a conqueror, which is to say that there are those who conquer and then there are those who operate over and above that of a simple conqueror. There is a greater dimension of success waiting with countless positions to be filled but the church must mature and cease to construct modern towers of Babel. Confusion and stunted growth will always result when God is not consulted for the custom blueprints on how to build His people so they know how to effectively reach heaven.